
I enjoy watching the animals in my yard.  One day my husband and I noticed a large cat roaming through our backyard.  We assumed it was a male cat because it was big. My husband named it Sam.  Several months later, there were little “mews” under our front porch. Sam gave birth to 4 kittens.  Sam then became Samantha. For six weeks we brought her food and water and watched “the kitten show” every afternoon.   Samantha became very trusting of us. With the help of the local cat rescue organization, we caught her and the kittens. We kept Samantha as our house cat and the rescue society found homes for the kittens.

I also enjoy art, poetry, and song.  My training mainly comes from the amazing teachers of classes through community adult education programs.  I use the skills I’ve learned to bring my poems about animals to life through drawing and song.

In my spare time I love to knit light lacy shawls and sweaters.  I read my poems to my knitting group as I wrote them. They enjoyed them and asked for more. Soon I had enough for a book – Under the Garden Gate. 

All the poems/songs/illustrations are from real events in my yard. I hope these stories inspire you to find wonder and joy in your yard.

Your bard – Thistle

Birds love to eat thistle seeds. At first glance, a thistle looks harsh with its prickly leaves and stem, but when you look closer, it is a very beautiful flower.  I look beyond the surface and find beauty in everything.  I hope you do as well.

Watch my interview on Fan to Fan – Access  Framingham TV

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 Alliance of Independent Authors
